MP3020 Podo
A great field of work
Scialytic effect
The scialytic effect of MP3020 generates an ellipse.
One of the main functions is to limit any shadows so that the doctor can count on an operating area that is clear and uniform.
Its configuration is designed to produce a uniform beam from multiple spots. This reduces the presence of shadows to a minimum, the “scialytic” term comes Greek and stands for “dissolved shadows”.

3D Rotation
Perfect balancing, combined with the exclusive 3D rotation system of the head on its optical axis, ensures optimal precision for light beam orientation, reducing the risk of glare to a minimum.
MP3020 is a powerful technology scialytic lamp with an advanced LED technology, designed specifically for podiatry.

3D Rotation
Perfect balancing, combined with the exclusive 3D rotation system of the head on its optical axis, ensures optimal precision for light beam orientation, reducing the risk of glare to a minimum.
MP3020 is a powerful technology scialytic lamp with an advanced LED technology, designed specifically for podiatry.
Spot MP3020

Progressive adjustment of lighting
The new electronic lighting control, activated via joystick, adjusts the light from maximum to minimum intensity, maintaining constant colour temperature.
Automatic saving of the lighting used, after shutting off the podiatry unit.