
Best price, best quality

A practical vacuum

Specially conceived to work on positive mould. Vacutec combines a pressing plate and a high-performance vacuum pump. It is available in two versions with or without external vacuum outlets.

High-performance vacuum​

Vacutec incorporates an innovative “Maxpress” system based on a high-performance vacuum pump without maintenance, which provides optimal vacuum levels for adaptation of any type of material.

Evolution at the service of efficiency

The best solutions for thermowelding and thermoforming of foot orthotics. The Namrol vacuums represent the evolution of 20 years of successful units, with a high degree of reliability and quality.

Resistant and practical

Vacutec convinces with a robust construction
and a long life of its components.

Fast and economical change of latex
membranes in case of breakage.

Comfort and functionality

Vacutec performs daily tasks with amazing flexibility.

Vacutec cannot do your job, but it can make it easier for you.